Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 5

I am not cooking tonight. I had a great meal planned but when I got home from the gym and took out the fish I realized it was frozen solid. I bought if from the area of the grocery store where everythings always fresh so I just assumed and stuck it in the fridge. Now, my daughter is in bed and my husband at work so I just ate a salad I made from spring mix and whatever veggies in the fridge and some avocado. I did however make some roasted sweet potatoes and my own 'protein bars' for snacks. I was searching online for different snack ideas because I'm getting tired of nuts and fruit.

Here's the recipe for the sweet potatoes. Super easy and super delicious.
I can't take credit for the protein bars either but I don't remember where I got the recipe because I was googling like crazy. It's very simple though..
1c nuts
1c dried fruit
1c dates
Put the 3 ingredients in the food processor and pulse to break it all up. Then leave the processor on until it starts to ball up like you see in the bottom picture. Then take out the 'dough' and press in down in a baking sheet to desired thickness (middle picture).
Refrigerate for a minimum of one hour and then you can take them out and cut them up. I would suggest individually wrapping and freezing them or keeping them refrigerated because otherwise they will get all gooey again.They are still very soft from the fridge, I will try freezing mine.
For my first try I used cashews and dried cranberries and they taste exactly like that :) So basically its a way less expensive Larabar and it should be easy enough to figure out the calories of each bar.
I'll probably make what was supposed to be dinner tonight for lunch tomorrow and keep the plan of tomorrows dinner.
Check back to find out what they are! Thanks for reading! :)

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