Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 1!

Breakfast this morning: An egg with red pepper, zucchini, and mushrooms. Avocado and 2 pieces nitrate free bacon. Yum!

Dinner: Simple herb crusted Salmon with salad. Delicious!

I have survived day 1! My daughter is in bed and my husband and I just finished our yummy salmon and salad dinner, if you're curious, here is the Salmon Recipe!
I'm definitely craving a cold beer and something sweet but I'm going to resist. I could have a beer and all I'd have to do is subtract only 1 point from my chart for the challenge.. but I really don't want to.. I'm a little competitive :) That reminds me, I guess I should explain to you how the Paleo Challenge works since that's how this whole blog started. One of the owners of the gym, Cass, gave us little charts. You start out every day with 50 points. You can gain an extra 5 points if you get at least 7 hours of sleep at night, take a multi vitamin, or take a fish oil supplement. Then, if you have 1 non-paleo food item, subtract 1 point. Non-paleo meal subtract 10. Non-paleo day, obviously subtract 50. and if you don't turn in your weekly log you get -70. Whichever man and woman with the most points at the end gets to split the pot of money we all chipped in on.
I really wish I had some pineapple right now! I'm going to have to make a trip to Costco tomorrow to get some fruit to help satiate my sweet tooth.
So this morning, instead of cream and sugar in my coffee, I used coconut milk creamer. It wasn't too bad but I wasn't crazy about it. I think when my little container of it is gone I will just drink it black and use those calories towards real food :)
Breakfast was yummy, everything on the plate I shared with my daughter and she and her daddy had pieces of toast to go with their breakfast as well. Between breakfast and dinner I kind of graze all day.. I tend to eat when I'm bored. I kept walking around while Finley (my daughter) was napping, opening the fridge, looking in the pantry.. wanting to just grab a bag of fruit snacks out of habit.
I'm looking forward to the day when my habit isn't grabbing something sweet or more importantly it will be nice when I stop craving it!

I also took a fish oil supplement today which I've never done, I think it's making me really thirsty, and I guess you have to be careful and take it with food so you don't get fish burps. Gross. I've been terrified all day that I smell like fish.

Well I don't want this to be too long and boring and I'm not sure what else to add! See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Your food looks great! Very healthy and clean. The fish oil supplement that I take is pretty good, it's less fishy than other kinds I've tried. I definitely always take it with food mid meal so that way it is "layered" in my stomach... keep me from getting fish burps or an upset stomach. :)
